About us
#ChooseAdventure in North Wales to find #FindYourEpic experience.
We are 10 of the best adventure companies in North Wales, working together to promote our region as the best place for outdoor adventure tourism in the UK.
We have developed an App for your Android 6 or iOS 10 mobile phone. The AdMap App will tell you what adventures are nearby and help you to discover exciting adventures in North Wales.
Choose adventure in North Wales get the AdMap App, available for free on the Apple app store and on Google Play.
Use the App or this website to find amazing experiences for 24 hours, 48 hours or 72 hours of adventures in North Wales.
Contact Us
Please approach each Adventure Provider individually, to book your epic experiences. We do work together but, at this stage, do not have a bookings service to make all your arrangements.
If you contact your lead adventure provider they will be happy to offer you guidance.
We hope that AdventureMap inspires you to adventure in North Wales and is a helpful guide to top quality, professional adventure companies.
For media or general enquiries please contact: adventuremapnwales@gmail.com
The AdventureMap team, made up of 10 adventure companies working together to promote North Wales as the best place for outdoor adventure tourism in the UK: Always Aim High Events, Beacon Climbing Centre, Dragon Raiders Activity Park, FunSport, National White Water Centre, Oneplanet Adventure, Plas y Brenin – National Mountain Sports Centre, RibRide, Surf Snowdonia and ZipWorld.

This project has been part funded by Welsh Government, Tourism Product Innovation Fund (TPIF) scheme 2017-2019.